To the Last Drop

The wedding planner in Minas Tirith requests aid in picking the perfect vintage.

NOTE: This quest will be removed from your quest log when the current festival ends.

'Vinters from across the land have sent in shipments of wine to Meldis for the feasts I’m planning. We cannot serve anything less than the finest, and each event has their own preferences, based on the menu.

'Meldis' inn, The Wheel and Cask, was destroyed in the war, but she's moved up to the Splintered Shield. It's a much rougher place than her last establishment, but you look like you can handle yourself.

'Meldis has the various casks of wine stored in the kitchen. Go sample each vintage until you find the one I require, then bring a barrel of it back here.'

The Splintered Shield is located on the Second Tier of Minas Tirith.

You should go to The Splintered Shield in Minas Tirith and sample wines.

  • Find the correct wine for the wedding planner
  • Find the correct wine for the wedding planner

You have found the wine the wedding planner requested.

You should pick up the wine cask and bring it to the wedding planner in Minas Tirith.

  • Pick up the proper wine cask

The wedding planner Merilien is on the Seventh Circle of Minas Tirith.

You should bring the cask to Merilien.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453492


0 gold coin 49 silver coin 35 copper coin
227000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
344000 legendary xp icon
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