Halls of Black Lore: Gondorian Scrolls

There is much for the White Company to accomplish in reclaiming Minas Ithil from the remnants of Sauron's forces.

'Many writings are to be found within Ghashan-kútot, the Halls of Black Lore. Perhaps some scrolls of Gondor's past rest within. If you are to venture inside, I ask of you to collect these ancient Gondorian scrolls.'

Gondorian scrolls can be found in Ghashan-kútot, the Halls of Black Lore.

You should collect Gondorian scrolls.

  • Collect Gondorian scrolls (0/8)

Ereblen can be found at Echad Uial.

You should bring the Gondorian scrolls to Ereblen.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453364


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 35 copper coin
155000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
155000 legendary xp icon

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