A Mirthless End

Dornach leads the effort to reclaim the Circle of Despair, once known as the Circle of Mirth, from the forces of Gothmog in Minas Morgul.

'Once this was the Circle of Mirth, ${PLAYER}, but it does not seem so now. There are strange things afoot in this Circle of Despair.

'I saw Ugrukhôr's Orcs quail before shades of the Dead, and I do not blame them. Something terrible has happened here, for the Dead cackle and weep in equal measure. Those that laugh seem the cruelest spirits, and those that cry seem fearful even in death.

'If some knowledge of Ugrukhôr's plans can be gleaned from these Orcs, I will consider our efforts fruitful, but I would much like to know what terrible fate has befallen these shades of Gondor.'

Dornach can be found in the Circle of Despair.

You are aiding Dornach in securing the Circle of Despair.

NOTE: If you lose sight of Dornach, you can summon him to your side with his horn.

  • Aid Dornach and complete 'Tears of Minas Ithil'
  • Dornach can be found in the Circle of Despair. You are aiding Dornach in securing the Circle of Despair. <rgb=#FF0000>NOTE: If you lose sight of Dornach, you can summon him to your side with his horn.</rgb>

Dornach can be found in the Circle of Despair.

You are aiding Dornach in securing the Circle of Despair.

NOTE: If you lose sight of Dornach, you can summon him to your side with his horn.

  • Aid Dornach and complete 'Unstilled Waters'
  • Dornach can be found in the Circle of Despair. You are aiding Dornach in securing the Circle of Despair. <rgb=#FF0000>NOTE: If you lose sight of Dornach, you can summon him to your side with his horn.</rgb>

Dornach has returned to Barad Arthir.

After securing the Circle of Despair, Dornach asked you to meet him and Candúr in Barad Arthir. You should return to them.

  • Meet Dornach in Barad Arthir

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0 gold coin 70 silver coin 66 copper coin
313000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
313000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
262000 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward
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