Wanted: Deep-lichen, Smoothed Stones

Some needed secondary supplies may be found in Imlad Morgul.

'While you are out there helping our efforts, we are in need of some lesser resources that are difficult to find.

'If you come across any deep-lichen or smoothed stones, will you gather them for us? Our crafters have been asking for these items in particular.'

These items may be found by defeating foes in Imlad Morgul instances. Different instances will yield different types of items.

  • Collect smoothed stones (0/6)

You should deliver the items you collected to Tordoron in Echad Uial.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453364


0 gold coin 45 silver coin 35 copper coin
155000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
155000 legendary xp icon

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