Shadow-roost: Abandoned Eggs

There is much for the White Company to accomplish in reclaiming Minas Ithil from the remnants of Sauron's forces.

'Many horrid beasts fly high above the city, at the Shadow-roost of Gath Daeroval. If you are to venture high above, I ask of you to destroy any abandoned fell beast eggs that you find. The breeding of these foul creatures must be stopped.'

Abandoned fell beast eggs can be found within Gath Daeroval, the Shadow-roost.

You should destroy any abandoned fell beast eggs that you find.

  • Destroy abandoned fell beast eggs (0/8)

Destroyed many abandoned fell beast eggs.


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0 gold coin 45 silver coin 35 copper coin
155000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
155000 legendary xp icon

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