A New Gem - Bracelet

The leader of the Jeweller's Guild has asked to you to please craft a guild-pattern ithilharn bracelet to cheer up the leader of the Metalsmith's Guild.

'Ah, hello jeweller. I'll confess I've been flaunting your work to the other guild leaders, and the leader of the Metalsmith's Guild seems to be infatuated by ithilharn. They seem to be going through a trying time, right now. Perhaps you could make them something special?'

The crafting recipes you must create can be bartered for from the Improved Recipes vendor.

Forge a guild-pattern ithilharn bracelet.

  • Execute the recipe for a guild-pattern ithilharn bracelet


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453364


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  • Execute the recipe for a guild-pattern ithilharn bracelet
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