A Trap Upon Emyn Duir

Terna has devised a plan to trap enemy forces within their own encampments.

'I have scouted the Emyn Duir, and I have decided if we are to remain in secret here at Halroth, we must do something about the enemy forces that inhabit the lands nearby. I thought we might set traps around the mountain passes near Halroth, but I fear that might alert these very foes to our presence!

'And what happened then? Why, I had a brilliant thought! What about laying traps within their own encampments, all in secret? This would certainly confuse them, and they would not even think to look for us here. I have already made the traps. Would you be willing to sneak into several enemy encampments in order to set them in place? I am sure you would enjoy it!'

Enemy encampments can be found throughout Emyn Duir.

You should hide traps at these encampments to confuse the enemy forces within.

Set many traps in encampments throughout Emyn Duir.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453374


0 gold coin 43 silver coin 75 copper coin
175000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
175000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
147000 mount xp icon

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