Kolos Throk

A strange seal bearing the mark of famine points towards the Dead City of Minas Morgul.

You stumble across a strange seal bearing a mark of famine, the seal of Kolos Throk. How it was placed here remains a mystery. It seems this stone seal was once set in something. Perhaps an answer lies in the Dead City of Minas Morgul.

The Kolos Throk socket can be found somewhere in Minas Morgul.

You should take the seal there.

  • Find the Kolos Throk socket

The Kolos Throk socket can be found somewhere in Minas Morgul.

You should take the seal there.

The Kolos Throk component can be found somewhere in Minas Morgul.

You should find the component.

  • Find the Kolos Throk component

The Kolos Throk socket can be found in Minas Morgul.

You should take the component there.

You have completed the Kolos Throk.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453364
Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453367


0 gold coin 44 silver coin 95 copper coin
235000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
235000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
196000 mount xp icon

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