A Song of Screams

The once great Song-house of Lindalírë now only performs the cries and wails of the tormented Dead.

Minas Ithil was once a beautiful city, a beacon for the arts, and the Song-house of Lindalírë was the jewel in its crown, hosting the finest singers and musicians in all the kingdom. But those days are gone, and now the only sounds in the old song-house are the cries and wails of the Dead. The horrid Girithos oversees the tortured chorus of spirits, slowly corrupting them so they may join the ranks of the Dead who compose the army of Minas Morgul.

Girithos can be found in the Song-house of Lindalírë.

You should defeat Girithos and those that serve him.

  • Enter the Song-house of Lindalírë

Girithos can be found in the Song-house of Lindalírë.

You should defeat Girithos and those that serve him.


Defeated Girithos and those that serve him.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453367


0 gold coin 44 silver coin 55 copper coin
213000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
213000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
178000 mount xp icon

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