The Circle of Madness

Standing upon the Circle of Madness, Rhadrog believes that the merrevail invasion must contested before it is safe to continue the infiltration of Minas Morgul.

'The Circle of Madness has been taken over by Lhaereth's forces. I can safely say we are not the only ones invading the city now! There is much to do here before we can move any further into the city.

'Let us do what we can in the Circle of Madness, my friend.'

You should complete quests in the Circle of Madness in Minas Morgul.

  • Complete quests in the Circle of Madness (0/10)

Rhadrog can be found in Barad Elenath in Minas Morgul.

You should talk to Rhadrog.


The entrance to Barad Arthir can be found in the Circle of Despair.

You should enter the tower of Barad Arthir.


Candúr can be found in Barad Arthir in Minas Morgul.

You should talk to Candúr.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453367


0 gold coin 70 silver coin 96 copper coin
329000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
329000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
275000 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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