The Circle of Wrath

Damrod believes there is much to do in the Circle of Wrath before it is safe to continue infiltrating the Dead City.

'Our first order is to make sense of the city. While its layout is similar to Minas Tirith, we cannot mistake it for the White City! For many years, this place has suffered beneath the might of the Dark Lord and the corruption of the Witch-king.

'This Circle of Wrath is but the first of many challenges we will face here. There are many Orkish forces encamped here, and we must learn what we can of them before we can safely delve further into the city.

'Assist those you can in the Circle of Wrath. When you have done so, return to me and we shall continue our efforts, inward and upward.'

The Circle of Wrath is the lowest of the levels of Minas Morgul.

You should complete quests in the Circle of Wrath.

  • Complete quests in the Circle of Wrath (0/10)

Damrod can be found at the tower of Barad Angarth.

You should talk to Damrod.


The entrance to Barad Orhant can be found in the Circle of Wrath.

You should enter the tower of Barad Orhant.


Damrod can be found in Barad Orhant.

You should talk to Damrod.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453367


0 gold coin 70 silver coin 6 copper coin
284000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
284000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
237000 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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