Heraldry of Durin IV

Durin IV seeks to raise the heraldry of his people above the Corpse-fields of Parth Daenath.

'I have come to assist in the war effort, though all else seems lost. Still would my people stand, fighting to the very end, even to the last dwarf. We will defy the Storm of Wrath for as long as we are able! But that horde is not yet here, and there are Orcs enough to deal with before it arrives. Know this: the Orcs of Sauron still fear my name and the axes of the dwarves!

'Take the heraldry of my people and raise it above the Corpse-fields of Parth Daenath. Our enemies will cower and our fellows will have strength in the coming days! Baruk Khazâd!'

Good places to raise the heraldry of Durin IV can be found in Parth Daenath.

You should raise the heraldry of Durin IV in Parth Daenath.

  • Raise heraldry of Durin IV in Parth Daenath (0/6)

Durin IV can be found at Echad-in-Edhil.

You should talk to Durin IV.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453374


0 gold coin 43 silver coin 75 copper coin
175000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
175000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
147000 mount xp icon

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