Turning Defectors

Huneric, Lord of the Thíuda, has spied Easterling defectors roaming the Corpse-fields of Parth Daenath.

'The Ghâzab Bôron is nearly here. I saw that horde with my own eyes, and I know the terror it will inflict upon our fighting men when it arrives. Rumour of its approach has already spread throughout the camps of this Alliance, and I fear word has also passed to the encampments of our foes.

'Some Easterlings have departed their own camps. Do they desire to join the Storm of Wrath? Find them on the Corpse-fields and confront these Easterlings! Perhaps they can be made to turn back, and mayhap take up arms against their former allies.'

Easterling defectors can be found in Parth Daenath.

You should attempt to convince the Easterling defectors to turn on the Enemy.


Huneric can be found at Adambel.

You should talk to Huneric.


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