Interlopers from the North

Hobgoblins from Gundabad have taken control of Goblin-town. The combined might of the two armies threatens everyone living in the North.

'This so-called warlord who leads the hobgoblins from Gundabad is the real threat in Goblin-town today. His hobgoblins have cowed the goblins into submission, and they themselves are of great size and vicious fighters. Defeat as many as you can find while you are inside, and that will help even the playing field for the Great Goblin.'

Frost-bound hobgoblins have taken up residence inside Goblin-town, and now they claim to lead the goblins there.

You should defeat any frost-bound hobgoblins you find.


You defeated a number of frost-bound hobgoblins.


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0 gold coin 43 silver coin 35 copper coin
Wilderfolk (700)
159000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
159000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
133000 mount xp icon

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