The Little Lost Elf

The Woodfolk of Laerlad tell you an Elf passed through looking for dwarf ruins, and was sent to the Beorning watchpost. Perhaps you should try and find this Elf.

'An Elf passed through earlier, looking for dwarf ruins. She seemed lost and confused. I sent her to the Beornings at the edge of the Gladden Fields. They can deal with her; I have no time for such things. If you feel so inclined, you may wish to make sure she arrived safely.'

An Elf was sent to the Beorning Watchpost in Gladden Fields by the Woodfolk in Laerlad.

You should see if this Elf made it to the watchpost.

  • Find the Elf at the Beorning watchpost

You have found the Elf at the Beorning watchpost on the edge of the Gladden Fields.

You should talk to the Elf.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453023


0 gold coin 18 silver coin 14 copper coin
Wilderfolk (300)
79500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
159000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
133000 mount xp icon

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