The Mission to Goblin-town

The goblins have split their loyalty between the Great Goblin and the hobgoblin invaders from Gundabad. An escalation to war is imminent, but it is in the best interest of the Free Peoples to make sure the Great Goblin has a fighting chance.

'I am not sure I have ever seen Skalla so concerned. There must be something we can do....'

Langhár trails off, lost in thought. A wry smile suddenly crosses her face.

'I have a crazy idea, ${PLAYER}, but it might just work. So, we have two goblin hosts to deal with, not enough Beornings to deal with either, and in the middle of it all the hobgoblins and the Great Goblin plan to fight it out? If their forces are closely matched, they might just kill each other off, and all we would have to do is mop up the survivors!

'Based on what you saw in Waldfast, I think the Great Goblin is at a disadvantage in numbers. Perhaps we should even the odds?

'I have some ideas for what we can do to pull this off. While you are dealing with things in Goblin-town, I am going to visit some good friends and see if I can get their help. Ask Skalla if he can help get you inside.'

Skalla can be found in Vegbár.

You should talk to Skalla.


Langhár has asked you to find a way into Goblin-town to disrupt the hobgoblins inside.

You should complete 'Watchers at the Gate' and find the Beorning scout near the Goblin-gate.

  • Find the Beorning scout

The Beorning scout near the Goblin-gate can escort you into Goblin-town.

You should enter Goblin-town to disrupt the hobgoblins' takeover.

  • Enter Goblin-town by speaking to the Beorning Scout

Now that you have access to the Goblin-town throne room, you should do what you can to interfere with the hobgoblins' efforts there.

You should complete quests inside Goblin-town, and find the hobgoblins' leader.


Skalla can be found in Vegbár, the Beorning outpost in northern Wolf-denes.

You should talk to Skalla.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453023


0 gold coin 18 silver coin 14 copper coin
Wilderfolk (300)
79500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
159000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
133000 mount xp icon

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