Kidzul-kâlah: Dark Waters

Hithril, of the Elves of Lórien, is concerned about the shadowy waters that surround the sunken ruins of Kidzul-kâlah.

'The ruins of Kidzul-kâlah are surrounded by ice-cold waters, but nothing chills the heart quite like the evil that rises from that still pond. Shadowy darkwaters will menace the Vales of Anduin if they are not defeated. Do you understand me, ${PLAYER}?'

Darkwaters menace the drowned ruins of Kidzul-kâlah, and must be defeated.


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0 gold coin 18 silver coin 14 copper coin
Wilderfolk (300)
79500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
79500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
66500 mount xp icon

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