Protectors of the Wilderfolk

Representatives of the Wilderfolk have gathered in Hultvís in order to work together and protect the Vales of Anduin.

The Wilderfolk of the Vales are composed of Beornings, Woodmen, and Elves, and all must work together if they are to make safe the lands they share. Representatives of these peoples have gathered in Hultvís, intending to work together to protect the Vales of Anduin. You should seek out Audvak, Hithril, and Ragnild, and offer them your assistance.

Audvak, Hithril, and Ragnild can be found at Hultvís in Woodsedge.

You should speak to Audvak, Hithril, and Ragnild about further protecting the Vales of Anduin.


Audvak, Hithril, and Ragnild can be found at Hultvís in Woodsedge.

You should speak to Audvak, Hithril, and Ragnild about further protecting the Vales of Anduin.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453023


0 gold coin 18 silver coin 14 copper coin
Wilderfolk (300)
79500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
79500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
66500 mount xp icon
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