Avabárg: Wayward Bones

Audvak of the Woodmen is concerned about the gloom that has descended upon Avabárg.

'Thrice the Woodmen sought to settle Avabárg, but each time resulted in failure. Shamefully, their bones remain on the island, and they were never gifted with the proper burial they deserve. If you gather up their bones we might remedy that, and give them rest at last.'

Audvak asked you to collect restless bones from Avabárg so she might give them proper burials.

  • Collect restless bones (0/10)

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0 gold coin 18 silver coin 14 copper coin
Wilderfolk (300)
79500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
79500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
66500 mount xp icon

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