The Green Sadness

There is a sadness about the Woodmen of Blómgard, but the grief that seizes them does not spring from a common source.

'Blómgard was once a place of joy, but lately our spirits have fallen. We have toiled long, but ever our work is hard, and our lives become harder. We call it the Green Sadness, for are we not like the trees that reach for the sunlight but become crowded by the overhanging canopy of our hardships, and fall beneath the shroud of darkness?

'Seek out the folk of the village if you think it be not so.'

Blómgard can be found at the edge of the southern wood of Laerlad in the Vales of Anduin.

You should listen to the stories of the Woodmen of Blómgard.


Blómgard can be found at the edge of the southern wood of Laerlad in the Vales of Anduin.

You should offer words of encouragement to the Woodmen of Blómgard.


Odahild can be found in Blómgard.

You should talk to Odahild, the leader of Blómgard.


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