The Ghost of Old Mad Ubb

A ghost seems to be terrorizing the children of Blómgard.

'Oh my, a ${CLASS}! That is what you are, is it not? My name is Odulf and I need your help! My brother Vulmar says there is a ghost in Blómgard. Not just any old ghost though, no! It is the ghost of Old Mad Ubb! I saw it, I saw it! Well, I saw a barrel or a crate move, I did! Please catch the ghost, ${CLASS}! Please, oh please, will you?'

According to Odulf, the ghost of Old Mad Ubb is somewhere in Blómgard.

You should search the barrels and crates to make Odulf feel better.

  • Search barrels and crates for the ghost

The squirrel can be found in Blómgard.

You should pick up the squirrel.

  • Pick up the squirrel

Odulf can be found in Blómgard.

You should show the squirrel to Odulf.


Vulmar can be found in Blómgard.

You should scold Vulmar.


Radagast can be found in Laerlad.

You should bring the squirrel to Radagast.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268453023


0 gold coin 43 silver coin 35 copper coin
Wilderfolk (700)
159000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
159000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
133000 mount xp icon
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