Saruman's forces march toward the fortress of Helm's Deep. Only one barrier stands in the way of Saruman's armies: the rampart of Helm's Dike, built across the trench through which Saruman's forces must pass. If the gate is broken, the green expanse before the wall will be laid bare to Rohan's approaching foes.
Thenca stands atop Helm's Dike, awaiting your attention.
Thenca, one of the Rohirrim defenders of Helm's Dike, has asked for your help carrying bolts to the forward ballista.
Cenric accepted the bolts you and Thenca brought to the forward ballista, but he wears a worried expression, and his face is lined with fear.
Saruman's Orcs have advanced upon the eastern side of Helm's Dike, and you must stand against them with Cenric, Thenca, and Gamling.
Gamling has called for your assistance as he hurries to the far side of the Dike, there to combat Saruman's forces before they can crush the Rohirrim defenders.
As you hurry between the defensive encampments at Helm's Dike alongside Gamling and other soldiers of Rohan, you have spotted the great war machine with which Saruman's forces hope to destroy the gate.
Saruman's Orcs have advanced upon the western side of Helm's Dike, and you must stand against them with Cenric, Thenca, and Gamling.
As the soldiers of Rohan fight the invading Orcs on the western side of the Dike, Gamling has called you to him.
Gamling has ordered you and the other soldiers of Rohan to fall back from the defence of Helm's Dike.
Cenric has stopped by the stables, despite the imminent arrival of Saruman's armies.
Cenric despairs that the steeds of the Rohirrim stabled at Helm's Dike will be slain by the invading Orcs, and he seeks your help untying the proud creatures so they may fight back against the aggressors.
Thenca is pleased you took the time to free the horses stabled at Helm's Dike, for the Orcs will soon be upon them.