The Curse of Thikil-gundu

In the minds of Durin's Folk, a terrible curse has fallen upon Thikil-gundu. Whatever truth there is to this curse, an unseen evil must command the Dead that now dwell within the halls of the Steel Keep.


Dwarf-wights can be found within Thikil-gundu.

Nori has asked you to seek out

  • Dwarf-wights can be found within Thikil-gundu. Nori has asked you to seek out

  • Return to Thikil-gundu and complete 'In Death's Grasp'

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  • Dwarf-wights can be found within Thikil-gundu. Nori has asked you to seek out
  • Return to Thikil-gundu and complete 'In Death's Grasp'
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