Through the Eyes of Ravens

Arcah, the raven-chief, has summoned her kin back to Ravenhill, but a few of her ravens have not answered her call.

'I am glad you have returned, ${PLAYER}.

'I received word from Dís that Arcah's ravens have begun to return to Ravenhill, and I would like to know what they have learned concerning the plots of Karazgar and Vethúg Wintermind. Alas, there are matters I must attend to here in Erebor or I would make the journey myself!

'Will you go to Ravenhill and seek the counsel of Arcah on my behalf? I trust you will recount every detail to me upon your return!'

Arcah can be found at Ravenhill.

After learning that some of Arcah's ravens have begun to return from their spying, King Thorin III has asked you to seek the counsel of Arcah at Ravenhill.


The missing ravens can likely be found in the heights of Eryn Lasgalen and Dale or somewhere near the banks of the River Running.

After they each failed to answer her call, Arcah has asked you to seek three ravens in the lands of the North and send them to Ravenhill.

  • Find ravens that failed to answer Arcah's call and send them to Ravenhill (${CURRENT}/${MAX})

Arcah can be found at Ravenhill.

You found the ravens who failed to answer Arcah's call and should now return to her with these tidings.


The missing raven would have flown from the Grey Mountains, so it can likely be found somewhere among the north-western slopes of Erebor.

After it failed to return from spying in the Grey Mountains, Arcah has asked you to seek a lost raven on the slopes of Erebor.

  • Find the raven that spied upon the Grey Mountains

The raven who spied the Grey Mountains can be found upon the western slopes of Erebor.

You have found the lost raven and should now examine it.

  • Examine the wounded raven
  • The raven who spied the Grey Mountains can be found upon the western slopes of Erebor. You have found the lost raven and should now examine it.

Arcah can be found at Ravenhill.

You were able to rescue the raven that spied upon the Grey Mountains. You should now return to Arcah.


King Thorin III can be found before his throne in the Hall Under the Mountain.

You have learned that Vethúg Wintermind has stirred in the Grey Mountains and now prepares to fly for Erebor. You should inform King Thorin III at once.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452526


0 gold coin 84 silver coin 70 copper coin
199000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
199000 legendary xp icon

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