Renewed Patronage

The merchants of Dale believe your presence in the markets will be good for business.

'I have not forgotten you, ${PLAYER}!

'Indeed, the impression was strong enough that I feel your continued presence in Dale's markets would do much for commerce. In fact - hhem! - if it were not too much of an imposition... might we again ask you to go about Dale's markets, salute some merchants, talk to those buying here and there?'

You should visit and be seen at the various market areas and tavern in Dale, salute merchants, congratulate happy shoppers, assist indecisive shoppers, and calm angry shoppers on the way.


You should return to Rótha, who can be found inside the Great-keep in Dale.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452526


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
Men of Dale (700)
125000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
125000 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
104000 mount xp icon

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