Ambushed on the River

Raft-elves from Loeglond are missing. Lorndúr believes they may be in great danger and would like you to go find them.

'Ever since the thievery of Felegoth's shipments was thwarted, I have sent several of my Raft-elves to ensure the arrival of each new shipment. They have not returned again, and I grow worried.

'If not Orcs, I fear the agents of the Weeping Warrior may have attacked them. Find them and tend any wounds they may bear before sending them back to Loeglond!'

Injured Raft-elves can be found along the Forest River between Felegoth and Loeglond.

You should seek out the missing Raft-elves and tend to their wounds if needed.


Lorndúr can be found in Loeglond.

You should talk to Lorndúr.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452526


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
125000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
125000 legendary xp icon

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