New Thievery

Despite efforts to repel the Orcs and prevent the theft of Felegoth's goods, more shipments continue to be stolen from the Forest River between Felegoth and Loeglond.

'It seems that more of the shipments from Felegoth have been seized by the enemies of the North, and it is the thinking of King Thranduil and myself that the Weeping Warrior and his agents are to blame.

'We cannot bear the loss of more shipments. If the Weeping Warrior's agents have constructed more river nets along the Forest River, destroy them at once!

River nets can be found along the Forest River between Loeglond and Felegoth.

An enemy of the North has been using river nets to steal shipments from Felegoth to Loeglond beneath the notice of the Elves. You should destroy the river nets before more shipments are stolen.

  • Destroy river nets (0/10)

Lorndúr can be found in Loeglond.

You should talk to Lorndúr.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452526


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
125000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
125000 legendary xp icon

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