Coming Down The Mountain

Despite your efforts, Orcs from the Green Mountains continue to disrupt trade and harass the Raft-elves of Loeglond.

'I am glad you have come, ${PLAYER}! I have received more reports of Orcs venturing down from the Green Mountains this very morning. We cannot allow them to continue to disrupt trade along the Forest River, but I have none to spare for this task.

'Will you aid us and drive the Orcs back into the mountains?'

Orcs can be found along the Forest River, between Felegoth and Loeglond.

You should defeat the Orc ambushers and hunters that have come down from the Green Mountains.


Lorndúr can be found in Loeglond.

You should talk to Lorndúr.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452526


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
125000 xp icon
Legendary XP:
125000 legendary xp icon

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