Overdue Payments

The new Master of Lake-town, Dagrun, has asked you to collect overdue tax payments from several stingy citizens of Lake-town.

'Now, I suppose we must conduct town business sooner or later. Part of the job of Master is managing the wealth of Lake-town. That includes collecting a fair share of taxes from each citizen. From what I can tell, a handful of citizens are quite overdue on their payments. I think our previous Master was not very aggressive in his collecting.'

She hands you a list of names.

'Please visit these people in Lake-town and kindly ask them to pay what they owe the town. And please, be polite, but firm.'

Rikolf, Frekur, Orgrand, Ránnvig, and Olgat can be found in Lake-town.

You should visit Rikolf, Frekur, Orgrand, Ránnvig, and Olgat to collect their payments.


Dagrun can be found in the Master's manor in Lake-town.

You should talk to Dagrun.


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0 gold coin 17 silver coin 64 copper coin
Men of Dale (500)
74800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
62300 legendary xp icon

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