Daily Request: Food, Water, and Words

Glórellas gave you a number of packages that should help inspire Elf-warriors in Udûn to keep adventuring.

'My people may seem strange to you, ${PLAYER}. The currents of the world do not affect us as outwardly as they do you, but I assure you we feel the same hurts as others of the Free People.

'I give to you these packages, and ask you to deliver them to Elf-warriors who adventure in Udûn on behalf of Lord Celeborn. You ask what is contained within? Some contain wrappings of lembas, and others skins of clean water; some contain short messages from folk of the Golden Wood, encouraging their friends to go on with their tasks. In this way you will deliver food, water, and words of hope to those who need them, and aid the cause of the Elves that must adventure in the Black Land.

'Look for Elf-warriors who have need of these gifts in Udûn, on the road that climbs to Anglach.'

Glórellas gave you a number of packages to give to Elf-warriors on the road to Anglach, in Udûn.


Glórellas is in the Court of Celeborn.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452254


0 gold coin 17 silver coin 64 copper coin
62300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
62300 legendary xp icon

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