Daily Request: Choosing Doom

Glórellas has asked you to defeat some of the foes that stalk Dor Amarth, but she left the choice of which foes to face up to you.

'Many Elves fight in Dor Amarth, as they did of old, and any aid you can lend to them will be appreciated. It is of no matter to me which of the foes there you face, whether it be rock-worms or dire-horns, just that you fight them on our behalf.

'If it were me, I would defeat whichever enemies first crossed my path, and I encourage you to do the same. Once you have made your choice and thinned the ranks of our enemies, return to me and be rewarded.'

Glórellas asked you to defeat foes in Dor Amarth, choosing between rock-worms, dire-horns, and a number of other creatures, in order to aid the Elves that fight in that land.

  • Defeat dire-horns, sûlokil, or fire-drakes in Dor Amarth (0/6)

Glórellas is in the Court of Celeborn.


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0 gold coin 17 silver coin 64 copper coin
62300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
62300 legendary xp icon

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