Daily Expedition: Dor Amarth and Agarnaith

There is much to do for the Conquest of Gorgoroth to succeed. Today, you should focus your efforts in Dor Amarth and Agarnaith.

'Greetings, adventurer.

'The Conquest of Gorgoroth has decreed that Dor Amarth and Agarnaith are the targets for today. Check the bounty board for specific tasks in those areas. Good luck.'

Today the Conquest of Gorgoroth would like you to work in Dor Amarth and Agarnaith.

You should complete any four Allegiance quests in Dor Amarth or Agarnaith.


Expedition Organizers can be found in Allegiance Halls.

You should talk to your Expedition Organizer.


Relevant zones


0 gold coin 17 silver coin 64 copper coin
62300 xp icon
Legendary XP:
62300 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
52100 mount xp icon

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