Trapping the Trackers

Legolas has a plan to eliminate some of the Orc Trackers in Lhingris and needs a brave adventurer's help.

A note and map are pinned to the board, signed by Legolas:

'I have witnessed Orc Trackers from Cirith Ungol placing traps in the Rath Cail to halt our advance. I have removed these traps, but I believe we can use them to our advantage. On this map, I have marked the location where I hid the traps and ideal locations for you to place them on their scouting paths. Arm them, and lie in wait. The Trackers will stumble into them, and you can deal with them there.'

Legolas has hidden the crate of traps in the Rath Cail.

You should collect the crate of traps.

  • Collect the crate of traps

Ideal trap locations can be found in the Rath Cail.

You should place traps in these locations, and then defeat the Mordor Trackers that stumble into them.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452251


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
74800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
74800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
62500 mount xp icon

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