Clearing Cirith Ungol

Atli Spider-bane has requested an adventurer to enter Cirith Ungol and clear out some of the spider eggs and webs.

A note hangs on the board, signed by Atli Spider-bane:

'We cannot allow Cirith Ungol to become infested with spiders now that it is no longer infested with Orcs! I need someone to get in there and clear some of the eggs and webs, quickly!'

Broodling eggs and encroaching webs can be found in Cirith Ungol's courtyard and the tower interior.

You should destroy broodling eggs and encroaching webs.

  • Burn encroaching webs (0/10)

Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268452166


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
74800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
74800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
62500 mount xp icon

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