The Conquest of Dor Amarth

Ingold, a soldier of Gondor, has scouted Dor Amarth and found many foes still remain.

A notice is pinned to the board, signed by Ingold:

'Many foes still wander throughout Dor Amarth. A brave adventurer is needed to defeat foes in these lands.'

Ingold has asked you to defeat foes in Dor Amarth.

  • Defeat foes in Dor Amarth (0/20)

Relevant zones


0 gold coin 42 silver coin 35 copper coin
74800 xp icon
Legendary XP:
74800 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
62500 mount xp icon

Additional info


  • Defeat foes in Dor Amarth (0/20)
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