Preemptive Disorder

The Orcs at Fushaum Gund must not be allowed to rally and attack before the Host of the West even finishes its march.

If the Orcs at Fushaum Gund were to rally before the Host of the West even reached the Black Gates, they could cause a rout that would upset Aragorn's plans. Perhaps by destroying the horns and other possessions needed for a rallying cry, this risk could be averted.

The Orc encampment of Fushaum Gund is located on the eastern slopes of the Slag-hills.

You should destroy battle horns and tools in the Orc encampment to hamstring any rallying cry.

  • Enter the enemy encampment of Fushaum Gund

The Orc encampment of Fushaum Gund is located on the eastern slopes of the Slag-hills.

You should destroy battle horns and tools in the Orc encampment to hamstring any rallying cry.

  • Destroy tools (0/8)

Destroyed many battle horns and tools at Fushaum Gund.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451973


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76500 xp icon
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76500 legendary xp icon
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63900 mount xp icon

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