Beneath the Snake

There is much to be done in the Haradrim encampment of Dûm Boha.

You notice the encampment of Dûm Boha is littered with maggot-holes. The Orcs seem to use these networks of tunnels to come and go about the Slag-hills. Perhaps sealing up the holes will limit their movement and communication.

The Haradrim encampment of Dûm Boha is located on the western slopes of the Slag-hills.

You should seal off the maggot-hole entrances scattered around the encampment.

  • Enter the enemy encampment of Dûm Boha

The Haradrim encampment of Dûm Boha is located on the western slopes of the Slag-hills.

You should seal off the maggot-hole entrances scattered around the encampment.

  • Seal off maggot-holes (0/8)

Sealed off many of the maggot-holes in Dûm Boha.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451973


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

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