Retaking Torngroth

The recently-abandoned refuge of Torngroth has been claimed by the Orcs of Mordor and they now stand between the Rangers and valuable supplies.

'${PLAYER}, the time has come to begin our efforts to reclaim Torngroth!

'Through your initial scouting and a bit of our own, we have discovered that a company of Orcs have seized the refuge and laid claim to many of the supplies that were left behind when we were forced to abandon it.

'We cannot let this stand. Even if the Orcs were to return after we rout them, those supplies are of great import to our efforts in Ithilien and the Wastes. Travel to Torngroth and defeat all the Orcs you encounter. Once their forces are broken, claim as many supplies as you can and return to me.

'Go swiftly, my friend, but be careful.'

Torngroth can be found far to the north of Henneth Annûn.

Mablung has asked you to defeat the Orcs that have laid claim to Torngroth and recover supplies that were left behind.

  • Defeat Orcs in Torngroth (0/12)
  • Collect abandoned supplies in Torngroth (0/8)

Mablung can be found in Henneth Annûn.

You have defeated many of the invading Orcs in Torngroth and recovered as many supplies as you could bear. You should now deliver them to Mablung.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451784


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon

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