Chapter 6: The Wizard and the King

You have pledged to lend your aid and your adventuring skills to Elessar and the Kingdom of Gondor, and to fight on their behalf in Mordor.

'King Elessar waits for you in the throne room with Mithrandir. Perhaps you should learn what brings the Wizard here, for he is not often seen in the city these days.'

Mithrandir has come to the throne room of King Elessar, atop Minas Tirith.


Mithrandir has come to the throne room of King Elessar, atop Minas Tirith.


Mithrandir has come to the throne room of King Elessar, atop Minas Tirith.


King Elessar is in his throne room atop Minas Tirith.


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