Chapter 2: Embassies from Many Lands

You have pledged to lend your aid and your adventuring skills to Elessar and the Kingdom of Gondor, and to fight on their behalf in Mordor.

'King Elessar waits at the throne for you, and will be glad to have news of your adventures in Mordor.'

King Elessar is in his throne room atop Minas Tirith.


The delegation of dwarves is on the north-east side of the Fifth Circle in Minas Tirith.

  • Find the dwarf delegation in Minas Tirith

The emissaries from Erebor are on the north-east side of the Fifth Circle in Minas Tirith.


The delegation of Elves are just north of the prow, in the Fourth Circle of Minas Tirith.

  • Find the Elf delegation to Minas Tirith

The delegation of Elves are just north of the prow, in the Fourth Circle of Minas Tirith.


The delegation of Haradrim is on the south-eastern side of the Third Circle of Minas Tirith.

  • Find the Haradrim delegation to Minas Tirith

The delegation of Haradrim is on the south-eastern side of the Third Circle of Minas Tirith.


King Elessar is in his throne room atop Minas Tirith.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451576


0 gold coin 41 silver coin 35 copper coin
97600 xp icon
Legendary XP:
97600 legendary xp icon

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