Instance: Travellers in Ithilien

Anborn will not soon forget the doughty little Halflings who gave such cheek to his captain, Faramir.

The Rangers of Ithilien were patrolling to the north-east of Henneth Annûn.

Anborn is telling you a tale of strange travellers in Ithilien. You should listen closely.

  • Walk with the Rangers of Ithilien

The Rangers of Ithilien spied the barren camp-site and moved to investigate.

Anborn is telling you a tale of strange travellers in Ithilien. You should listen closely.

  • Listen closely to Anborn's tale

The Rangers of Ithilien then spoke to the strange Halflings.

Anborn is telling you a tale of strange travellers in Ithilien. You should listen closely.

  • Listen closely to Anborn's tale

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This quests offers no rewards

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  • Walk with the Rangers of Ithilien
  • Listen closely to Anborn's tale
  • Listen closely to Anborn's tale
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