Strange Company

The Rangers of Ithilien had much to contend with before Osgiliath fell to the forces of Mordor, but nothing more curious than a strange group of travellers in Ithilien.

'Being back in Henneth Annûn has stirred my memories, ${PLAYER}...

'Before you and I met in Osgiliath, our company was stationed here and Lord Faramir still held command. Through my years in Ithilien, I have encountered both beauty and terror, but surely nothing stranger than what we found one night.

'We discovered two Halflings and their strange pet-creature! I swear it is true! They spent time amongst our company and spoke much to Lord Faramir in hushed tones... but we came to know them as best we could.

'I have some tales to tell of their time here, but I did not overhear as much as Anborn in our initial encounter with them.

'If you wish to know how we came to find them, you should ask Anborn to tell you the tale.'

Anborn can be found in Henneth Annûn.

Mablung has asked you to speak to Anborn about the strange travellers that passed through Ithilien before the battle brought them to Osgiliath.


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