A Just Reward - Honour Alone

With their foes slain and the wealth of the Khundolar in their grasp, the Variags have decided to return to Khand once their final errand is finished.

'So what shall it be, ${PLAYER}?'

You tell Jarl Gurthilm that while his offer is generous, you do not wish to accept your share of the gold.

'I had a suspicion, and a small amount of hope, that you would refuse my offer. Your sense of duty is unfailing, ${CLASS}, and none should think less of you for honouring it.

Besides, I shall have the shares sorted anew without yours, and my men and I shall be the richer for it!

'Speak with Drúgred, and he shall give you something to help you on your way. Not gold, mind you... but we're not heartless.'

Drúgred can be found to the south-east of Aragorn's camp on the border of Dagorlad.

You have chosen to forgo your share of the gold, but Drúgred will offer you a meagre amount of supplies in return.


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76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon
Quest has an additional unknown reward

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