Tales of Harad

Jubuya, a sorcerer of Harad, has offered to tell the Rangers of his homeland and culture in exchange for leniency.

'I shall answer your questions, ${RACE}.

'In truth, I know little of our purpose here... only that our war-master bade us surrender to these forest-men. You call them Rangers, do you not? A strange name, I think.

'We had long been stationed in the lands of Dagorlad, but travelled southward to reach the battle on the fields. Many of our number were slain at Cirith Negen by the Rangers, and soon we were few. I learned of Gondor's victory from the Rangers, but know little else of the battle.

'If this is our fate, I wish only to learn more of that great battle and then return home with my brethren. I would ask to hear more of the battle, but first, you should speak to my brethren of it... they are eager to hear of it.'

The Haradrim prisoners can be found at Aelin Veren in central North Ithilien.

After questioning Jubuya, he has asked you to speak to his fellows about their lives in Harad.


Jubuya can be found at Aelin Veren in central North Ithilien.

You have spoken to the other prisoners and should now speak to Jubuya once more.


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