Caches Underfoot

Forced to stay constantly in motion when outside Henneth Annûn by the forces of Mordor, the Rangers of Ithilien have taken to hiding caches of supplies in the lands of North Ithilien.

'As best I can surmise, the Khundolar have not yet discovered their chance fortune in making camp along those slopes of the Mountains of Shadow.

'You see, when my fellow Rangers and I scouted the road into Dagorlad, we often used those hills as a perch from which to observe the Enemy's movements. However, it is far from our refuges, and a long journey to food and shelter alike. We took to hiding caches of supplies and wrapped rations beneath the soil that the Khundolar have now claimed as their own. While some are safe beyond their encampment's entrance, the rest are surely buried just beneath their feet.

'We have great need of these caches, and to have them in the hands of the Enemy would only prolong their invasion of Ithilien.

'When you come to their camp, keep keen an eye for our hidden caches and return with as many as you are able to recover.'

Buried caches can be found to the north of Henneth Annûn in North Ithilien.

Tordoron has asked you to search the lands to the north of Henneth Annûn for buried caches.

  • Buried caches can be found to the north of Henneth Annûn in North Ithilien. Tordoron has asked you to search the lands to the north of Henneth Annûn for buried caches.

Tordoron can be found in the northern wilds of North Ithilien.

You have recovered several caches from the north lands of Ithilien and should now deliver them to Tordoron.


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Map width ID 268451784


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon
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