A Looming Enemy

Although the battle is ended, Thurindol fears that the Enemy will soon muster more of his forces against Gondor within North Ithilien.

'After the great battle, we had much to consider, my friend.

'The Orcs claimed Bâr Aroth and from the north, the Khundolar struck and made inroads from Dagorlad.

'Where the rest that fled the battle have gone I do not know for certain, but I fear many may have found new refuge within North Ithilien.

'In these dark times, I count myself fortunate to have your trust and I give you mine in return.

'I would ask that you search the shores of the Anduin to the west, the hill-top to the north of Bâr Aroth, and the foot-hills of the Ephel Dúath, the Mountains of Shadow, for signs of our foes.

'When you have finished your patrol, meet me to the north at the old baths of Aelin Veren, and it is there we shall speak more on what is to be done in the coming days.'

Bâr Aroth can be found on a hillside to the north of the Cross-roads in North Ithilien.

Thurindol has asked you to assess the Enemy's presence in North Ithilien before you continue your journey to the refuge.

  • Patrol the shores of the Anduin to the north of Osgiliath

Thurindol can be found at Aelin Veren.

You have scouted the lands surrounding Bâr Aroth and should bring news to Thurindol at Aelin Veren.


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