The Rangers know much of the lands and history of Ithilien and have dedicated themselves to its protection even in times of war.
'After I sent you on your patrol, I sent several other Rangers to track our foes in the further reaches of Ithilien.
'Many of them went to the north, a few to the west, and a few to the east. The border of Dagorlad has always been contested, but our foes have been emboldened by their Master's rage and pour across it in greater numbers than we have previously weathered.
'It has been some time, and I would hope that my scouts have all returned by now. I would ask that you gather their reports and deliver them to me.
'Search for my scouts in Henneth Annûn and hear what they have learned of our foes.'
Henneth Annûn can be found in north-central North Ithilien.
Mablung has asked you to hear the reports of recently-returned Rangers to help guide his plans to defend Ithilien.
Mablung can be found in Henneth Annûn.
You have heard the reports of his Rangers and should now deliver them to Mablung.