Strangling Webs

Amidst the growing turmoil within North Ithilien, great spiders have come down from the Ephel Dúath and seized the long-held Ranger refuge of Thurindath.

You have discovered the Ranger refuge of Thurindath overrun with large spiders and thick, sticky webbing. It is unclear how long the spiders have held the refuge since the Rangers of Ithilien abandoned it, but they must be driven off if the Rangers are to retake this key foothold in North Ithilien.

You should defeat the spiders and destroy their webs before reporting back to the Rangers at Henneth Annûn.

  • Defeat spiders and destroy spider-webs

Spiders and their webs can be found within the old Ranger refuge of Thurindath in south-eastern North Ithilien.

You have discovered the refuge of Thurindath overrun with great spiders and their webs. You should defeat them and clear the refuge of their webbing.

  • Destroy spider-webs in Thurindath (0/8)
  • Defeat spiders in Thurindath (0/8)

Mablung can be found at Henneth Annûn.

You have cleared the old Ranger refuge of Thurindath of spiders and their webs, but you should inform the Rangers of what you discovered.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451784


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

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