The Last Refuge

As the last remaining refuge of the Rangers of Ithilien, the secrecy of Henneth Annûn has never been more critical to the continued presence of the Rangers in North Ithilien.

'Our enemies have come closer to Henneth Annûn each day, and unless we act to keep them from it, we shall be discovered before long.

'There are many ways for our foes to approach Henneth Annûn, but thankfully, very few through which they could enter. I would have you scout the far reaches of Ithilien surrounding Henneth Annûn for any sign of our foes.

'Their whereabouts in Ithilien are mostly known to us, but they move deeper into the woods with each passing hour and we cannot chance them drawing too close, especially after Rhadrog's encounter with that troll...

'With our other refuges fallen, any task that draws us into Ithilien risks leading our foes back to the refuge. Go swiftly, and take care that you are not followed.

'I shall await a report upon your return.'

Henneth Annûn can be found in north-central North Ithilien.

Mablung has asked you to patrol around the borders of Henneth Annûn for possible threats to the refuge.

  • Patrol the lands around Henneth Annûn for threats (${CURRENT}/${MAX})
  • Patrol the lands around Henneth Annûn for threats (${CURRENT}/${MAX})

Mablung can be found in Henneth Annûn.

You have scouted the lands surrounding Henneth Annûn and should now report back to Mablung.


Relevant zones

Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451784


0 gold coin 40 silver coin 35 copper coin
76500 xp icon
Legendary XP:
76500 legendary xp icon
Mount XP:
63900 mount xp icon

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