Fire Beneath the Shadow

Angbor has spoken to Aragorn and Mithrandir about an important matter concerning the Morgul Vale.

'While you were working on mending the Statue of the Fallen King, I spoke to Mithrandir and Lord Aragorn. They require your assistance on a matter, but would not tell me its nature. Mithrandir would meet you at the road that leads to the Morgul Vale, near to the Cross-roads, as soon as you are able.'

You should talk to Mithrandir at the road that leads to the Morgul Vale, near to the after-battle Cross-roads.


You should talk to Mithrandir at the road that leads to the Morgul Vale, near to the after-battle Cross-roads.


You should talk to Angbor, who can be found at the Cross-roads.


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Latitude: 0
Longitude: 0
Map width ID 268451784


0 gold coin 64 silver coin 6 copper coin
107000 xp icon
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107000 legendary xp icon
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89500 mount xp icon

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